Flexens joins Green NortH2 Energy as shareholder



As part of Flexens’ many activities in green hydrogen development, the company joins Green NortH2 Energy as a shareholder. Green NortH2 Energy, a newly founded subsidiary of the engineering and consulting firm Elomatic, is meant to kick-start the green hydrogen market of Southwestern Finland from the coastal town of Naantali.


By joining forces in Green NortH2 Energy, Flexens and Elomatic look forward to a strong collaboration. Both companies share an interest in green hydrogen development, primarily in the marine sector, yet have respective sets of expertise. The expectation is a unique advantage, and the aim is a notable boost in the local hydrogen market.


Flexens and green hydrogen solutions

Flexens focuses on the transition of whole societies towards fully renewable energy mixes. For this to happen, emerging technologies such as green hydrogen are needed to develop large-scale energy storage capacity. In addition, islands and other isolated communities face particular energy challenges, like insufficient or non-existing integration to national electricity grids. Thus, Flexens offers green hydrogen solutions for islands and cities, including ferry systems. A for Flexens significant reference in green hydrogen ferry systems is the ongoing project Power2AX on the Åland Islands.

Marking these efforts, Flexens was recently listed as one of the leading Finnish startups in hydrogen solutions by Helsingin Sanomat. Furthermore, Flexens is part of the EU Clean Hydrogen Alliance, Finland’s National Hydrogen Cluster, and The GreenE2 Innovation Ecosystem. Now, by becoming a shareholder in Green NortH2 Energy, Flexens has taken vital steps toward becoming a key partner in green hydrogen implementation worldwide.


Naantali and Green North2 Energy in short
Naantali is a town on the West coast of Finland, close to Turku, and home to about 19.000 people. The Naantali old town, together with the adjacent spa and Moomin theme park, is a popular summer resort. Green NortH2 Energy aims to have built green hydrogen production facilities in the existing power plant area of the town by 2023. The produced hydrogen will be used directly as a fuel for marine and heavy transport, and the waste heat will be used in the district heat system. Later, the goal is also to refine hydrogen and produce synthetic fuels, such as methane and ammonia.

Lähde: Flexens verkkosivu


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