Implementing novel storage solutions for a sustainable energy transition



A consortium led by Flexens has succeeded in securing funding through the ERA-Net SES MiCall19 framework. The other consortium partners are LUT University, Polar Night Energy Oy and Pumped Hydro Storage Sweden Ab. With a total budget of 4.1 million euros, the three-year project called NewSETS focuses on novel energy storage solutions.


NewSETS, short for “New energy storages promoting sustainable energy transition in societies”, is all about storing energy. The project centres around two main storage types: underground pumped hydro storage and seasonal heat storage. The former, provided by the Swedish company Pumped Hydro Storage, employs conventional pumped hydro methods in a new space: underground. The latter storage type is developed by the Finnish company Polar Night Energy and uses high-temperature sand to store heat. Both technologies present low-emission and innovative approaches to energy storage.

NewSETS links demonstrations, feasibility studies, market and system analyses with ambitious communication efforts. The underground pumped hydro storage will be demonstrated in the project, while the team will perform feasibility studies for the seasonal heat storage. In addition, the effects of the two storage types on the energy system will be comprehensively studied – also in combination with other storage solutions.

The NewSETS project aims to establish a positive outlook among energy stakeholders and make climate change mitigation efforts visible to everyone through skilful communication. It is an ambitious project rooted in international collaboration and mutual interests in a sustainable energy transition.

NewSETS officially started in the summer of 2021. Now, the joint communication of NewSETS is finally launched through the project’s own webpage. Juhani Riikonen, project manager, anticipates a fruitful continued collaboration.

Looking forward to working with the consortium on this. It will be interesting to see how these storage types can benefit energy systems and complement each other in the renewable energy transition

Juhani Riikonen, Project manager / NewSETS​
NewSETS official webpage can be found here:

Lähde: Flexens


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