International acknowledgement for a housing company in Tampere


The limited liability housing company of Tampereen Pohjolankatu 18-20 in cooperation with city of Tampere and Enermix Ltd. has won the Heat Pump City of the Year Award with their innovative project. The development of the Pohjolankatu 18-20 building is part of the EU-GUGLE project, which enhanced the energy efficiency of the demonstration buildings of Tammela in two periods between 2013 and 2018. The award also acknowledges the persistent work of Mr. Pertti Vesterinen, who is the housing company’s chairperson of the board. 


Heat Pump City of the Year is an European Heat Pump Association EHPA’s award, which is rewarded to an advanced local level project using a heat pump. The aim of the award is to educate people about the possibilities of heat pumps in energy efficiency and climate protection and to encourage the change with concrete examples.

The competition involves projects in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The competing projects are evaluated on the level of integration in thermal grids and the compatibility of the used solutions with other renewable energy sources. Other evaluation criteria in 2019 included the project’s long-term cost-effectiveness, replicability potential, innovation with the use of technology, techniques and materials and the other benefits such as improved air quality.

Over the first period of constructing the building, Enermix Ltd. was responsible for designing and installing an exhaust air recovery system and solar heat collectors, which were connected to the remote monitoring system Talotohtori.

During the second period in 2016-2018, geothermal heat system, waste water heat recovery system, solar panels and apartment-specific cooling were installed to the system. At the same time, the new hybrid system was attached to the district heat system in a two-way method which enables the selling of the excess heat back to the system. The algorithms in Talotohtori control the selling process. This kind of system is first of its kind in Finland.

Altogether the installed systems have decreased the housing company’s purchased energy consumption by 75%. The electricity used in the housing company is 100% produced with renewable energy sources, and therefore the building’s energy usage has reached a carbon neutral state. With advanced monitoring and controlling with Talotohtori system, energy efficiency of the building can be optimized based on the consumption and it can be developed to its full potential.




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