JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy has made an investment in the European e-mobility platform company Virta


Japani Tokio

JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation (“JXTG”) has completed an investment in Virta Ltd – a global leader of electric vehicle charging platform technologies, and signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation. The capital injection accelerates both companies’ growth in the e-mobility sector and strengthens their positions in providing energy for mobility, while accelerating the global integration of the transportation and energy sectors.


JXTG is considering EV-related services in the activities aimed at the establishment of new mobility services, leveraging the nationwide service-station network and the “ENEOS” brand. Now, JXTG is seeing Europe´s leading EV charging technology company Virta as a technology partner. Virta is the global leader in electric vehicle charging platform technologies and in combining the renewable energy system with electric mobility.

Companies lead the transition to increased use of electric vehicles, but the availability of charging infrastructure is crucial. Virta enables the value proposition of electric vehicle charging services in our wide service network. The cloud-based platform allows for instance different payment systems and makes EV charging possible for commercial properties, such as petrol stations and as well in private locations.” says Dr. Keisuke Nakayama, manager of new business promotion group.

JXTG is an influential partner for Virta. This investment triggers the launch of Virta operations in Asian markets with Japan as a spearhead and hence accelerates Virta’s transition from European to a global digital platform for e-Mobility” continues Jussi Palola, CEO of Virta Ltd.


Further Information

JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation
Keisuke Nakayama, Manager
+81(0)362574283, Nakayama.keisuke@jxtg.com

Virta Ltd.
Jussi Palola, CEO
+358 504340132, jussi.palola@virta.global


Source Virta global news.


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