The battle for the future of the Finnish energy system has been going on for a long time. The world is on the verge of renewable energy production and the revolution of decentralized, intelligent energy solutions. New clean winds blow into the Finnish energy system, but in the shadows some predators pay court to Finland’s maiden. What will happen under the birch and the star? Will the predators succeed in shading the sun and swaying the wind, or is it a sunny day for Finland’s maiden?
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Maamme energia -opera (trailer)
The opera is performed in Finnish. Cast Petri Bäckström (tenor), Ann-Marie Heino (mezzosoprano), Reetta Ristimäki (soprano) ja Oskari Nokso-Koivisto (baritone). Libretto by Rosa Meriläinen, composed by Mikko Helenius and directed by Ville Saukkonen.
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