New partnership to develop large-scale integrated renewable energy system on Åland



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Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), Flexens, and Lhyfe have formed a partnership for the development and construction of an ambitious integrated energy island solution enabling large-scale offshore wind, green hydrogen production, and other local anchored value creating activities on Åland.

CIP, through Copenhagen Energy Islands, Lhyfe and Flexens jointly launch the Åland Energy Island project. This project will integrate large-scale offshore wind generation and hydrogen production. The ambition is to develop large scale hydrogen production on Åland integrated with gigawatt scale offshore wind in Åland waters for use both on Åland and in the wider European region, thereby supporting Åland’s and EU objectives for energy security and de-carbonisation.

Integrating offshore wind and green hydrogen production will provide Åland with a route to market for the untapped wind resources around Åland placing Åland as a key player in the green transition for the wider region. The exact configuration of the Åland Energy Island project will be developed in close coordination with the local government and other local stakeholders to maximize the benefits for Åland. CIP, Lhyfe and Flexens welcome the opportunity to discuss offshore wind and hydrogen development on Åland with all relevant stakeholders.

The consortium offers an attractive set of complementary skills and expertise that will enable the offshore wind development and benefit the broader society on Åland. CIP is the world’s largest dedicated fund manager within greenfield renewable energy investments and a global leader in offshore wind, green hydrogen, and energy islands. Lhyfe brings leading expertise and capabilities in developing, designing, and operating onshore and offshore hydrogen facilities in Europe with one operating plant in France and seven plants currently under construction in Sweden, France and Germany. Lhyfe is operating the world’s first offshore hydrogen production plant (Sealhyfe) powered by a floating wind turbine. Flexens is a strong regional developer of hydrogen projects, and being from Åland, thereby bringing local knowledge on hydrogen and infrastructure development on Åland and how the local integration gives benefit to the local energy system.

With Flexens as partner, the consortium is well-positioned to develop a project that considers and integrates with the local needs of Åland. In line with the Government’s ambitions and Sunnanvind project, the consortium will create substantial value for Åland with respect to both social and economic gains by securing local involvement and employment in the project and adjacent activities. Moreover, the Åland Energy Island project will contribute to Åland’s ambitions of becoming a society based entirely on green energy while considering the preservation of the islands’ onshore and marine environment.

The development of the Åland Energy Island project will provide a value increasing route to market for the regional offshore wind supporting the ambitions of Åland regarding local value and job creation as well as supporting the energy transition and energy independence of the wider region. The strong complementary capabilities represented by the consortium partners enable the Åland Energy Island integrating offshore wind and hydrogen facilities to be structured and developed with the environmental, economic, and social interests of Åland in mind”, says Thomas Dalsgaard, partner at CIP.

This partnership with CIP is a great recognition of Lhyfe’s ability to develop large-scale onshore and offshore projects in the Nordic countries: it takes us to the next level. This project demonstrates how hydrogen can fit into a vast integrated renewable energy system with its capacity to store and transform renewable electricity. It’ll be a great role model for all Europe”, says Taia Kronborg, Chief Business Officer at Lhyfe.

Flexens was founded around the test and demonstration project ”Smart Energy Åland” and has in that process developed an in depth understanding of both the Åland society and its energy system. “We see an unprecedented opportunity to create and expand renewable energy related activities on Åland into a skills and knowledge based hub for the offshore based energy future in the whole Baltic Sea region”, says Berndt Schalin from Flexens.


Source -site.


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