Rejlers assits hybrit in design of demonstration plant for fossi-free sponge iron



An important part of the HYBRIT initiative and the investment in fossil-free steel is the construction of a demonstration plant in Gällivare, where sponge iron for the first time will be produced with fossil-free hydrogen on a larger scale. Rejlers has been commissioned to identify optimal solutions for the plant’s electricity supply.

In the demonstration facility, HYBRIT will demonstrate the reduction of iron ore with hydrogen, to sponge iron, on an industrial scale. Work is ongoing to analyse how the plant will be established in the best way, taking into account efficiency, safety and environmental impact. Rejlers has been tasked with identifying optimal solutions for reliable and efficient distribution of electric power, including intermediate and low voltage and backup power.

”It is a very innovative project with a strong focus on sustainability, where we can help HYBRIT find the best solutions for electricity supply through our collective knowledge. We are proud and happy about the confidence,” says Jenny Edfast, CEO of Rejlers Sverige.

Read more about the HYBRIT initiative here

For further information, please contact:
Jenny Edfast, CEO Rejlers Sverige, +46 (0) 70 649 64 13,
Malin Sparf Rydberg, Director of Communications, +46 (0)70 477 17 00,

About Rejlers
Rejlers is one of the leading engineering consultancy firms in the Nordic region. With our vision “Home of the learning minds” as a beacon, we create a platform for continuous learning, development and growth. Increased learning that creates added value for both customers and employees. We have 2400 dedicated experts with cutting-edge expertise in technology areas such as energy, industry, infrastructure and real estate. We are close to our customers and are represented in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the United Arab Emirates. In 2020, the company had a turnover of 2.6 billion SEK and its class B share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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