Savosolar has signed agreement with newHeat on delivery of solar heating plant in France



aurinkolämpö Savosolar

Savosolar Plc has signed an agreement with newHeat SAS on the turn-key delivery of a solar thermal field in Narbonne, France. After having developed and designed the project, newHeat will own and operate the system and sell the heat to the district heating company of Narbonne.


Works for delivery will begin in August, and the hand-over will take place in early 2021. Size of the solar heating plant in Narbonne is ca. 3,000 m2 and the value of this contract is about EUR 850 thousand. The delivery to Narbonne is the first of the won tenders published by Savosolar on 11th June 2020. Negotiations on the agreement for delivery of the other project published in June continue, and the parties aim to finalize also that agreement as soon as possible.

Jari Varjotie, CEO of Savosolar: “We are very happy to continue our excellent collaboration with newHeat with the delivery of Narbonne system. newHeat is a very active and competent large scale solar thermal project developer in the fast-growing market, and Savosolar delivered in 2018 for them the Condat system for paper mill process heat production.

These projects illustrate our strong position as a leading supplier of large solar heating systems in France and elsewhere.


For more information:

Savosolar Plc Managing Director Jari Varjotie
Phone: +358 400 419 734. E-mail:

Source Savosolar company announcement



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