Savosolar to deliver a solar heating system in Eastern France



aurinkolämpö Savosolar

Savosolar has signed a contract worth over EUR 1.3 million with the subsidiary of the French company La Francaise de l’Energie (LFDE) to deliver a solar heating system in Creutzwald France. The system delivery and construction will start during the spring 2020, and the hand-over is planned for summer 2020.

LFDE subsidiary will own and operate the solar heating system and sell heat to ENES Creutzwald, the energy service company of Creutzwald’s municipality, owner of the district heating network. The size of the solar heating system is over 5,900 m2, will generate over 2 600 MWh of clean energy annually, and will be the fourth project of Savosolar for the French market. Savosolar will deliver the largest part of the whole solar thermal plant including the solar collector field, piping, heat exchange station and automation.

La Française de l’Énergie (LFDE) is listed on Euronext and leader in low carbon footprint energy production. LFDE produces gas, green electricity and heat in Northern France, Eastern France and in Benelux. Since 2019, LFDE develops photovoltaic and solar thermal projects on the areas where they operate, to reduce the carbon footprint of the final consumers. Through this first solar thermal project, LFDE reaffirms its commitment to the environment by developing renewable energy projects, prioritizing environmental benefits and reducing energy costs.


For more information:

Savosolar Plc
Managing Director Jari Varjotie
Phone: +358 400 419 734


Source Savosolar company announcement


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