Leanheat expands to Swedish property and district heating market



Jukka Aho Leanhet

Leanheat, the developer of artificial intelligence solutions for district heating management, is expanding its business to the Swedish market. The company will make its widely used IoT solution for controlling the indoor temperature and humidity of district heated buildings available to Swedish property owners and district heating companies. Leanheat will start building its organization in Sweden and aims for several pilot projects with Swedish property management companies as early as the coming heating season.


Leanheat provides a significant increase in the energy efficiency and cost savings for buildings and district heating companies, creates a better indoor climate for residents and helps combat climate change. The Leanheat solution typically lowers the annual energy consumption of buildings by 7 to 10 percent while shaving an average of 20 percent off the peak power needs of buildings.

Leanheat’s artificial intelligence collects data through sensors installed in buildings and apartments. It combines weather information with data collected from the district heating networks of energy companies. Using this information, it then optimizes the indoor conditions and energy consumption of buildings and apartments. The system also predicts possible moisture problems in buildings on the basis of its collected humidity data.

Large property owners have deployed Leanheat widely in Finland, where the solution controls and optimizes the indoor temperature and humidity in as many as 100,000 apartments. In addition, Leanheat is being used in China, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland and Germany.

“Leanheat’s aim is rapid growth in Sweden with a strong local organization. The extensive base of apartments using our system provides an excellent foundation for building our business on the Swedish property and district heating market. Our owner, Danfoss, gives us important support in our expansion in Sweden,” says Jukka Aho, Managing Director, Leanheat.

Experienced industry experts have been appointed to accelerate Leanheat’s growth in Sweden. Maria Gihlström, Sales Manager, is responsible for solution sales, backed up by her extensive experience in OEM sales with companies such as Grundfos. Håkan Berg, coming from a long career in management and elected roles within the property industry, has started as Senior Advisor. Mr. Berg’s earlier positions include Managing Director of the Northern Stockholm region of HSB, a cooperative housing association, as well as Vice President of the property industry employer organization Fastigo.

“Leanheat has strong references and growth in Finland. I believe that the Leanheat solution that is presently revolutionizing the property and district heating market will be welcomed in Sweden. We aim for starting several pilot projects with Swedish property companies during the coming heating season. The experienced organization in Finland is supporting our operation in Sweden in every way,” Ms. Gihlström says.

The Leanheat solution has received many awards and recognitions by several organizations. In 2018, it was one of the three finalists for the internationally acknowledged Start Up Energy Transition Award 2018 in the Energy Efficiency, Smart Devices & Storage category. Also in 2018, Leanheat received the Clean Energy Solution of the Year 2018 award in a competition organized by the Finnish Clean Energy Association. In January 2019, Leanheat won the innovation competition by Asuntomarkkinat (Housing Market) in Finland for the best climate innovation.

More information:

Jukka Aho, Managing Director, jukka.aho@leanheat.com Tel. +358 44 375 6044

Maria Gihlström, Sales Manager, Sweden. maria.gihlström@leanheat.com Tel. +46 76 138 0763


Source Leanheat.com


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