European funding opportunities: H2020 – SME Instrument get-together

We’re happy to announce that that Lähienergialiitto and Inspiralia (Spain) are inviting you to the H2020 – SME Instrument get-together that will take place in the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel at Runeberginkatu 2, Helsinki at 29.11.2016 18:00 – 21:00

This is a pre-SLUSH event, so you can easily combine this event to your SLUSH itinerary.


The SME Instrument is a Funding tool under the Horizon 2020 program from the European Commission. Its main target is to make the overall of the European Union more competitive and innovative. The way to do it is by funding European Innovative SMEs with Grants from 0,5M€ and 2,5M€ in order to help them to develop new products and launch them successfully to the market.

Lähienergialiitto with the support of Inspiralia will do an informative event to introduce the Funding opportunities from the EC to Finnish Innovative SMEs.


The Agenda

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Inspiralia : What we do?
  • What is the SME Instrument?
    • Structure Phase1-Phase2
    • Topics and typical funded projects
    • Next opportunity and timeline
  • How to know if you are a winner?
    • Excellence in the technology
    • Market impact
    • Implementation
  • Inspiralia’s Key Differenciator
    • Validation
    • Rigorous Process
    • Dedicated teams of experts
  • Q&As
  • Coctails and snacks

If you are interested in joining this event and interested in having a face to face meeting with Inspiralia’s SME Instrument experts on 29.11. and 30.11. at the same venue, please register by cliquing in the following link. For the face to face meetings, please download and fill in this form.


Inspiralia Presentation

Inspiralia is an international New Product Development Company which helps SMEs bring their innovative products and solutions to the market. Inspiralia offers a 360º innovative development process from validating the idea, finding financing, developing the project into a product within our technical facilities and laboratories as well as launching it to the market. You can have an overview of what we do best in the attached video link: Clip Inspiralia.

At Inspiralia, we are always on the search for innovative ideas that will change tomorrow´s society and the necessary funding to bring these to market. Our results have enabled us to become European Leaders within Horizon 2020’s SME Instrument funding programme:

  • Inspiralia has an accumulated success rate for Phase 1 financed proposals of 80%, compared with a 6% European average. Currently we are supporting 182 happy clients with their applications for Phase 2.
  • Inspiralia won the 10% of all available SME Instrument Phase 2 funding EU wide for their clients so far, with 33 delighted clients currently executing Phase 2 projects.



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